N°9 « Discours populistes / Populist speeches »

The new edition of the Cahiers PROTAGORAS “Discours populistes / Populist speeches” (n°9) is now available for order and in digital format at the following links:

  • L’Harmattan – lien 
  • Amazon – lien 
Our laboratory is proud to present you this new issue of the Cahiers PROTAGORAS, achieved with the support of IHECS and our editor L’Harmattan, and coordinated by Loïc Nicolas (Publications Director) and John Vandenhaute (Coordinator).

This edition of the Cahier PROTAGORAS delivers a deep dive in the traditional and new techniques of populism. It provides key elements to analyse, decipher and better comprehend how the appeal to the “people”, its invocation, its fabrication within discourses, affects political communication. Drawing on a socio-historical approach, the articles written by academic researchers and communication professionals which compose this new issue provide the means to clarify the influence of populist speeches on the practices and customs of this communication field.

Table of contents :

Introduction : le populisme entre mythes politiques et réalités communicationnelles

Loïc Nicolas et John Vandenhaute


La communication visuelle du Rassemblement National et de la France Insoumise : un discours éclectique entre dédiabolisation et transgression. Analyse des affiches de campagne

Morgane Belhadi


The word “democracy” in the speeches of right-wing populist parties: critical discourse analysis of the Rassemblement National and the Freiheitliche Partei Osterreichs

François Debras

La communication numérique de Marine Le Pen : un populisme 2.0 ?

Alexandre Eyries

Les accents populistes des discours d’un homme providentiel, Winston Churchill ?

Matthieu Dauriac et Christian Bourret

A populist communication strategy: the Volodymyr Zelensky case study during the presidential elections in Ukraine in 2019

Alina Pirlik

Strategies discursives du militantisme antispéciste et des défenseurs de l’alimentation carnée en France, le populiste c’est l’autre

Héloïse Mazéris

Afterword: populism and where the “scholarly” journey may be heading

Uta Russman