N°5 « L'univers des marques politiques – Stratégies médiatiques et techniques de mobilisation »
Often requested, this reprint of the fifth issue of the Cahiers PROTAGORAS “L’univers des marques politique” is now available for order and in digital format at the following links:
This issue of the Cahiers PROTAGORAS written in French aims to illustrate the communicational aspects of elaborating political brands put in place by today’s politicians looking to distinguish themselves from the competition but also by countries whose ambition is to promote a certain image of their nation inside and outside their borders. Based on concrete cases and a solid and comprehensive scientific arsenal of theories, the collection of research presented in this issue explores and analyses the evolutions, constants and important trends of political communication and the craftsmen at work behind it who are “messaging manufacturers”. The strategies and methodologies (new or not) of these craftsmen will be the subject of in-depth reflections capable of revealing the value as well as the logic of the initial metaphor titling this issue.

Table of contents :
Loïc Nicolas et John Vandenhaute
Préface : Pourquoi communiquer au service de la chose publique ?
Bernard Motulsky
Propriétés de la marque politique
Présidentielle 2017 : le branding selon Emmanuel Macron, ou l’apogée des marques en politique
Comprendre le nation branding : proposition de cadres d’analyse
Compte rendu : Cahiers PROTAGORAS n° 9 – Discours populistes / Populist Speeches