Spring 2023
The PROTAGORAS Open Lectures at IHECS are a new initiative in collaboration with the Think Tank PROTAGORAS and its professional and academic network.
This format of talks, which you can find the schedule below, is hosted in existing lectures at IHECS, but with the aim of opening them to a wider audience. The speakers are professionals and scholars in the field of public and political communication. The idea is to provide insights and testimony on their experience as practitioners, experts, or academics.
The Open Lectures offer limited seats, but the goal is to allow more students and members of the PROTAGORAS network to attend these guest lectures, which also comprise Q&A sessions.
They represent a great opportunity to learn from top professionals in the field and connect with the PROTAGORAS network.
The Open Lectures will be announced separately on our social media. Registration will be required via the Eventbrite link embed in the social media announcement posts. The lectures will be conducted mainly in English with some sessions in French.